1. Manifestation:

“Such a simple concept, yet so true: that which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own destiny. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.”

Manifestation, lately you cannot go anywhere without hearing about manifestation. When things come to fruition in our lives people often say that they manifested it. BUT are we really capable of manifesting our futures?

I do not believe so.

This may be a pessimistic take on manifestation but since there are many factors outside of our control, I do not believe that we are the creators of our own destiny. However, I do believe that the time and energy that we put into something can contribute to the outcome.

Image of Concert
Photo from Unsplash courtesy of Stephen Mease

For example, it would be nice to be Taylor Swift, but I can I manifest becoming Taylor Swift, probably not. Even if I was an incredible singer, danger, and businesswoman, I cannot control the music industry or media. Maybe Taylor Swift is an unreasonable example. Maybe we can only control or rather manifest how we think about our own successes and failures.

While we do define how we view life’s significant events, I also think that some factors are beyond our control. Things like luck, ego, probability, and privilege all contribute to the outcome. I know what you are thinking, another pessimistic view of the future. I am not going to lie, lately small things like traffic have been getting the best of me. So maybe my view on manifestation is not connected to this quote, but rather my own life.

Let me ask the question again, are we capable of manifesting our futures?

To some degree yes, but in some way no. What is deeper than the answer to this question, is what it represents. Maybe we all need something to manifest, because instead of the actual outcome, what we really need is hope.

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Hope in a future that we actively take part in. Hope that we can control our own destiny. Hope, such a simple concept, but so true.